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AlphaSlug Workshop

Alrighty then. It's been a while since I've posted here, so... yeah. I sprited a couple 'battle ships' for lack of a better name and decided I wanted C n C. Please and Thank you?

The Fin

http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/3325 ... ackyk0.png[/img] - The Appleseed. Basically a Human Water Based Ship, tricked out and made more sturdy by a squid-like being. Life: 15

http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/7641 ... p01gr2.png[/img] - The Pawns. Anchor-Squid Bastard Child. Life: 2

http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/3689 ... p02zo6.png[/img] - The CanonBlaster. A Prototype ship that expels giant exploding bullets. Life: 4

http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/4349 ... p03iz3.png[/img] - The Torpedo. Basically a suicide bomber. It purposely rams you just to explode and destroy. Life: 1

http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/6832 ... p04wh1.png[/img] - The Pawrayknaw. A ship that's overly skilled in projectile weapons and ramming. If this one rams you, your life will drop dramatically. It's attacks are significantly quick as well. This one can and will destroy you almost instantly. Life: 1; Designed by brainstorm and arctrooper

http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/8466 ... p06st7.png[/img] - The Manta Ray.
A new prototype ship; Overly sophisticated and designed by a prodigy. It shoots rockets and bullets at very high speeds. just try and stay out of it's range. Life: 2; Designed by Q-Man

http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/4738 ... p07nq3.png[/img] - The Sting Ray.
An old ship that has been used for offensive strategies for years. It red eyes are really cannons that shoot heat seeking rockets. Life: Unknown; Designed by Q-Man

http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/9606 ... p08pg8.png[/img] - The Guardian.
This aircraft has no pilot. It has no operator. It is sent into battle to create shields to guard other aircraft from being shot at. It protects against your projectiles but enemy projectiles can pass right through. Life: 4; Designed by Q-Man

http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/8867 ... ht3ac7.png[/img] - The RoseThorn. The Human piloted 'RoseThorn' Ship. Life: 4 + Level
I was thinking that these edits could be obtained by unlocking and completing certain missions with a 5 star rating(Oh Crap! You probably don't know what those are.). They can be added to the RoseThorn between missions and are designed to be used based upon personal preference. Basically their upgrades that you can decide to use or not.
http://img394.imageshack.us/img394/9458 ... lipld4.png[/img] - Wing Clip Alpha - Makes the RoseThorn Fly faster.
http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/2697 ... ip2lr3.png[/img] - Wing Clip Beta - Makes the RoseThorn Fly slower.
http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/6029/b ... mitgt6.png[/img] - Wing Limit Alpha - Makes the RoseThorn Fly faster going left or right.
http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/5928 ... mitfl4.png[/img] - Wing Limit Beta - Makes the RoseThorn Fly faster up or down.
http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/8804/salutezd6.png[/img] - The RoseThorn's Pilot. Keeva.
http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/7940/helmetcu0.png[/img] - The RoseThorn's Pilot's Face Graphic. Keeva.
http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/3537/goodbadrp6.png[/img] - Ameza + Alien From left to right: Rogue (Keeva's boss | without cig), blacked out Master, The Master, A Pawn, Rogue with cig, Charlie, and Ratchet.
Hidden Link

http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/6747/windowvw7.png[/img] - AlphaSlug Windowskin


A Few UFOs  Sorry about the size of the graphic. Hopefully, I will be able to fill that graphic completely. But yeah, most of those graphics are the result of me scrampling around Spriters Resource for Cool Sea Animal References. Killer Whale, Trilobite, and Ancient Squid were inspired by Ecco the Dolphin... ...

The Captured

AlphaSlug in Database Mode. Ugh...Not really a mode... more of a helper, to get the story straight.
AlphaSlug's new title screen. Ugh...Windowskin is temporary... Unless I can't get myself to do a new windowskin.
http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/1872 ... w01po0.png[/img]
Windowskin01's Test Shot
http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/7158 ... hotrv6.png[/img]
First In Game Shot. I'm a USG wannabe
Hidden Link
http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/3874 ... etepy5.png[/img]
Mission End Screen. I'm just finished the mission selct screen and ...are... tricking it out.
http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/7849/hud000wc4.png[/img] Latest In-Game Screen. Nice, eh?
http://img104.imageshack.us/img104/8982/hud02lb3.png[/img] Unlockable HUD Graphic. Courtesy of Ms. Wumpi. She's so nice.

More to come, maybe.
Ohh, that's shexy. I'm interested to know what these will be used for? A traditional game of Battleships on RMXP or a not-so-traditional game?
Clizzz":1kbmgvoc said:
Ohh, that's shexy. I'm interested to know what these will be used for? A traditional game of Battleships on RMXP or a not-so-traditional game?
i think its for VX because the topic icon he used is the "VX" one...
well however it can still be used in rmxp...

i like how it was designed...
but i think you should decrease the contrast and outline
i just don't feel the way it was but still its cool
im going to look for more,
keep it up ^_^
Clizzz":2kcl3tob said:
Ohh, that's shexy. I'm interested to know what these will be used for? A traditional game of Battleships on RMXP or a not-so-traditional game?

yeah it's for rmvx. I won't tell you much of the details because I don't know if I'll finish the systems due to frustration... but you gave me an good idea...

But anyway, thanks, all.
It was supposed to be a little light definition but I guess it didn't work. I tried to use the same technique with the new WIP...

Oh yeah... Check out that new WIP... The CanonBlaster.
Wow Thanks.... DoDonPachi... Was that arcade game where you went around blasting other planes, right? I think I've played that game before...

Anyway, yeah thanks. Spent all of today finishing CanonBlaster and setting up the systems for Enemy Projectiles... Need to work on an error tomorrow. So what do you guys think of CanonBlaster?
Hmm... really?

Well All that I did today was script. I did get screenshots of the title screen, the database mode, and finished 'The Torpedo' the suicide bomb. C n C?
*sigh* Yes the hidden link. I added that a couple days ago. The second demo the systems I've released is somewhere in the topic.

The boat/ squid does look out of place... but does it not look cool? Plus, it gives variety and a lil laughter maybe?

so yeah...

Pawrayknaw has been added. He's basically a combination of the torpedo and canonblaster but he's very dangerous.

Added a custom windowskin.

2 Screenshots Added of The new windowskin I made, and the first in-game shot.

so what do you think of them?

EDIT:: I'm having trouble thinking of new ships. if anyone would like to help, I'd very much appreciate it. I'll credit you as well
There's another hidden link? I can't find It.

Nice work though! Are you developing a USG sorta' game?

Also I'd suggest you don't use that purple tile, I'll assume It's a place holder.
Yes... I'm trying to recreate a USG-esque game... but hima is very talented. I doubt I can pull-off something of that stature but I'm definately trying.

No the purple tile isn't a placeholder... :(
Oh, I don't know If you saw what I said on Chat, but I don't even think you need a tile there. Unless It serves some purpose I don't know of?
Sorry for the delay... My internet was acting up. But yeah, I don't know. I like the tiles being there because without them the screen looks bare to me... I dunno.

I added a ship and updated two images. I'm working on an image for mission end screen.
holy fucking shit this makes me want to make a shmup. why have I not seen this topic before, spam your threads in irc more often man.

The styling of these shits is really great, I love how they're slightly cartoony. Once you post more screens of the ships in action I'll have more to say regarding consistency and stuff, because for now there's not much I can really see that strikes out as wrong.

Thank you for viewing

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