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Airship/ Party Select

Greetings, fellow users...
As you are probably aware (mainly by the fact that I'm even posting this), I don't know how to script. Therefore, I am hoping that, out of the goodness in your heart, you can help me out.
I would very much like the following two scripts:

1. I would like an extra menu added to the in-game main menu; the Party Select menu. A menu that allows the player to view all the characters they have access to and form a party from them. I would like it to be formatted to where the party members are represented by their Battler graphic and not their sprite. Maximum of 9 characters. Also, make it so that events can control whether or not you have access to this menu.

2. An Airship . It does not have to be the kind, like in Final Fantasies 5 and 6, where the world map turns 3-D. However, please make it so that it only appears in one area (World Map), and prevents random encounters during the flight. Also, make it so that events can automatically control the airship at times. On a side note, scripts for any other kind of vehicle would also be appreciated.

Thank You

If you have less than four party members on your team, how do you Center them on all of the menues and in battle?

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