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Advanced Print System

APS (Advanced Print System)
by Neo-Bahamut aka Wurstinator and Kenai
Version 1.1

this is a scripters tool and not a copy-and-paste-and-see-the-effect script, so move on if you are not interested in such :P
As some of you know, the original Ruby has a command console for everything printed out. This has been replaced by message boxes in RMXP and RMVX.

With the help of Kenai I wrote a script which allows you to use different types of printing, i.g. the original console mentioned before.
The script is based on an addon system. Alone it does nothing (well, it totally disables print messages :) but you can easily write different kinds of addons. In the demo, I included 6:
- standard Messages Boxes
- Windows command console
- Ingame Window
- log file
- adding the time to a printed message
- printing messages when loading ressources

The biggest advantage is when using the console / log file with a print message which you write each frame.
For example, if you want to print each battlers HP and SP in Scene_Battle every frame, using the original message boxes can be pretty annoying. With the console you can see the printed messages without stopping the game.



The system itself has no bugs, I think. For the single addons, bugs (if there are some) are written in the comments.
i personally love it, it has helped my t/s alot thanks man! btw i was wondering if u mind if i distribute it with my interactive world map script since it helped me devolop my world so much(after next update is ready)
No problem, as long as you don't remove me from the credits :P
I like your World Map script and thought about using it in my project so would not be fair to deny this :)

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