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Advanced Message Script Add-Ons

I had a great idea for saving space in message boxes. I always have to use commands like face graphics and name boxes in the Advanced Message Script, and it takes up the whole first line. So, here's my idea…

Let's say there are two variables. Variable #1 contains the filename of the face graphic used by the next character who speaks. Variable #2 contains the name of the next character who speaks.

The script will be set to automatically display message boxes with the following:


If variable 1's value is 0, then no face graphic would be displayed. If variable 2's value is 0, then no name box would be displayed. That way, you could have face graphics and nameboxes and still use all four lines of the text event. Is this script possible?
Right. But, whether there are three or four, I still end up using up an entire line with text commands. A script to solve this would be greatly appreciated by more than just me, I'm sure…

Edit: Just as a security measure, I want to point out that I do use RMXP legally.

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