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Advanced Item Database

Hello, I'm sure you have all seen SephirothSpawn: Advanced Monster Database; if not its basically a Monster Bestairy. Well I was hoping someone could make one for Items.

Here are screen shots of SephirothSpawn: Advanced Monster Database:

Screen Shot 1

Screen Shot 2

Screen Shot 3

SCreen Shot 4

I would like the Advanced Item Database to do/have the following features:

* Assign Items into Groups, for quicker searching (i e Common, rare, key, weapon, armor etc).

In Speth Monster one this feature (above) is added in the Monsters name by:

(Name of Group)

* Counts Times Collected, used, bought, sold and discarded for Each Item

* Shows the Item Name, description, & Icon used. Also shows how much you can sell it for at a Item Shop/Weapon SHop.

* For the weapons, armor, and other equip items it will show the Chacter Set (one image) image of the character that has that item equiped.

The Basic Idea

The basic idea is that it is a Item Bestairy.

Other Feature That Would be Cool, but not a Big Deal if Not Implmented:

* Location of item- this will show how you obtained the item: (i e Chest, person, monster, Chest & monster, chest & person & monster).

If you would like a link to the Monster data Base (only giving to those who will make the script, but need more Spects) then PM.

Thank you for viewing

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