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Advanced Game Completion

Pretty simple idea I would think, but it could add a lot to a game.

What I am requesting is a basic window (that replaces window_gold in the menu) that shows how much of the game you have completed. But, instead of the maker having to update it, it updates itself by

The number of maps you've entered
The number of items you've owned/own
The number of armors you've owned/own
The number of weapons you've owned/own
The number of monsters you've encountered
The number of skills you've learned

And if possible..
How many classes your heroes have been
How many heros you've met (from the database)

Now heres how it works:
All of these "acheivements" have a certain controllable percentage for each one. So lets say for every map you enter, it adds .5 towards game completion. For every item; .01 and so on. And these can be changed in the script, so if you have lots of maps, barely any items, etc.

The game completion can also be added on manually in-game.

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