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Advanced CMS Request

Sorry, this is kinda big, and I don't really expect anyone to actually take on this(because, as I said before, kinda big), but I thought it was worth a shot.

I want a CMS that is like Seiken Densetsu 3's.

If you don't know how that CMS was like, I'll explain it.

Their are three main menus:

The Main Menu(Stats,Equips,[No Save], Skills, Storage,and if possible, a window skin changer. The main thing about this menu is that to get to the next menu, you press the number arrow keys to get around[if thats too much, cut that part out]. Kinda like this: Diagram

Item/Magic Menu(A ring menu that has the usable items that are out of the storage[10 items max]. And field skills that the player can use(Which is accessed by pressing up or down.) Like that: http://encyclopedia.quickseek.com/images/Ringmenu.png

The Storage: Accessed by the main menu, its basically what you use to put things in and out of your Item ring menu. So, if you have more than 10 items in your ring menu, then it is sent to your storage. So, if you want to use that item, you take one item out of your ring menu in the storage, and add the other item. Here: http://www.neillcorlett.com/sd3/forte/StorageMenu.jpg

I know, very complex and stuff. I don't really mind if other people use this either,though. Thanks for any help you can give me! If you find something similar, though, I'd gladly take a look at it, so please do so.

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