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Additional Item Drops

Hey all,

Before you start flaming me and asking me to use the search button, I can tell you that:


Its by SephirothSpawn and its called Item Drops V1. I think.

The only problem I have now is that:

It is not compatible with the battle system (ABS V4 By Near). Thus I'm here to request if there is any kind souls out there that are able to modify SephirothSpawn's script to make it compatible with the battle system Im using, or if best possible, script a completely new script that is compatible with the battle system I'm using.

When creating monsters in RPGXP, I found out that only 1 item can be dropped when the monster is killed. Now thats why I need a script that will break through that limit and enable me to be able to put more than 1 item drop.

So I guess thats all. So to anyone out there that is/are going to help me or assist me, THANK YOU in advance.

So yea...

Thanks to all who even click on the thread to see but not read :P
So if thats the case... Anyone can help? I'll try see if I can edit the abs script to fit or something... (But I myself suck in scripting so... if possible and you got the time, help is greatly appreciated)

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