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Addition of Non-Interactive Enemies in Troops (explained inside)

Hey guys, how's it going?

I'd like to request a script which allows the adding of special enemies to Troops which can neither interact nor with them be interacted. It would also require that the game ignores these non-interactive enemies when assessing whether a battle is finished (if it didn't, obviosly a battle would go on infinitely).

My main motive in asking for this is, with such a script combined with ccoa's CBS (or any CBS involving animation), it would be possible to add animated props to battles. That'd be kinda cool, wouldn't it? Or is it a stupid idea?
Anyway, hopefully I made myself understandable.

And to any scripters reading this, please consider it (if it's possible). Thanks alot.
I scripted something similar for my BT game a little while ago. Here's that part of the code:

SG_Props = [44]

class Game_Battler
  alias sg_props_exist? exist?
  def exist?
    if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy) && SG_Props.include?(self.id)
      return false
    return sg_props_exist?

Enemy id's go up top, where the 44 is. [1,2,3,4] etc. Test it out, no idea if it works with some of the CBS out there (does with DBS).

edit: Removed part saying it might still show attack animations, silly me for testing with "Mass Darkness" :)

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