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Adding Tactics to a Sideview Battlesystem

I tend to water down my requests with useless jabber... so this time, I'll skip ahead to the meat.

But, I WILL say this before I continue:

As you may see in my sig, I'm freely offering my services as a musician to pretty much anyone. BUT! To whomever can help - If you have any musical needs, I'll whole-heartedly divert myself into your request, and put all others on hold. This means not just FruityLoops and my personal collection of electronic instruments, but full-on studio recordings! Death metal jams, hip-hop grooves, power metal licks, or acoustic ballads... hell, I'll even write, compose, perform, and sing the theme song in your RPG. Whatever style, whatever genre [well, whatever I can muster, anyways XD ]. Or, I can do as many midis as you need. [though they do frustrate me to no end] Either way, I'll guarantee commission-quality work.


Here's what I'm trying to find [mock-ups at bottom of post]:

What I want to do is add grid-based movement, and targeting range. Let's say Gloria's fighting a couple ghosts [fig 1]. Her turn's come, but there's no way in hell she's gonna hit 'em from ALL the way over there [fig 2]. So she selects the 'Move' command, and teleports/walks/dances a few spaces to the left [fig 3]. Now that she's close enough to one of 'em, she can target him with the attack [fig 4].

I guess the hardest part after this would be setting up enemy AI to do the same. Probably would be a 3-card AI system. The enemy could either be 1 - Aggressive [charges and attacks the nearest player], 2 - A Chicken [avoids the nearest player and uses long-range attacks], or 3 - Solitary [stands pretty still, only moves when neccessary for attacks].

I have to stress this part: I am NOT requesting a tactics-style battle system. I know that there are a couple out there, and I do not doubt that they indeed rule. What I'm looking for is kind of an 'add-on' if you will. Something to spice up the traditional turn-based RPG recipe.

Phew. That was a mouthful.


[fig 1]

[fig 2]
http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/1271 ... ailvp6.png[/IMG]

[fig 3]

[fig 4]
http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/7115 ... eedgp6.png[/IMG]

On one more side note, I'd like to apologize for the total and complete lame-ness of these mock-ups. I'm a TERRIBLE artist. XD
Welp, at least I tried. Good luck anyway.

I believe you can do this without a script just by setting up the map a little different - yes I know, it's not what you are looking for. If you are interested in what I mean, view the spoiler below.

This following set up uses the Zenith Tactics Battle script, it's the only one I am familiar with. I did this exact set up and it worked - well I can't say exact since I'm doing this from memory.

I don't think you can set this up in random battles however, the Zenith I mean. I think all battles have to be played out - however you can use "invisible" events that walk around the map, and trigger battles - and then afterwards teleport away from the player - as to not constantly end up in a battle, or end up having no battles.

You'd need a character set that looks like the battlers - you can simply do this with MSPaint if you wanted - by copying and pasting the required poses. Until then, use the basic character sets to make sure this works. When you have done this, your characters will appear as their battlers. When you use this event just use a command to change all of the actors' graphics to the ones that resemble the battlers.

Thirdly export you're battle background, and import it back in as a panorama - if you want play with the sizes if it looks funny (which it will).

Secondly, set up your map.
Download a template map (just the checkers) or create a map with 2 tiles of the same color, and a third color - such as white and black. When Importing this tileset set one color to be transparent.
If you have a tileset with 2 blank tiles, then that will be usable as well.
Set up one of the blank tiles to be passable, and the other to not be passable.

Now, I'd suggest painting the entire map a particular tile - if you are using a tileset with two blank tiles, chose something else - like grass... If you are using teh template (or made) use the non-passable color. Then create your area using the passable tile, then fill the rest with impassible tiles.

Test. If you played it just right, you'll have a "side view" tactical battle system.

The method above will not look like your screen shots.
The battle menu is different, but I'm sure if requested it can be changed by someone who knows scripting.

Hope that was of some help, sorry if this isn't what you want, and good luck.

Heh, if this works - or you use it as a back up if you can't get this scripted, think I can still take you up on that music offer? If not - oh wells, never mind then.
Noice try mate. :D But that was already suggested to me by DerVVulfman. Fact is, I'm looking to add to an existing SVBS for a few reasons:

1) I can edit the HELL out of the windows and commands.
2) I can still use addons for the DBS [passive skills, crazy algorithms, etc]
3) I want to add at least SOMETHING to this community, even if it is just an idea.

Besides, this script's for a VERY, VERY large collab project, that's been almost a year in the making. I won't reveal the details just yet, but I will say this: The Design document is 90% done, and the scope of this game will rival any RPG you've ever played. And it may just be the most unique in both concept, and execution.

But if you really want some quality music, I'm also looking for a good spriter, a concept/profile artist, and a few other little things. ;)

EDIT: I just realized how oddly seductive that last sentence was. I apologize. @_@
I hate to bump, but this is kindof important. As it stands now, I can't continue development on my current project until I at least have some clue of how to do this. :'(

Um... anyways...

Bleh. Don't think I've ever double-bumped before in my life... ':| But, there's a first time for everything. :|

At this point, I don't even need a fully scripted system. If someone's at least willing to give me a general idea of how to go about this in RGSS [I'm already fluent in GML and have a strong foundation in scripting theory], I'd be more than grateful.

Either way...

Arg. I feel like such a n00b... XD But, it seems I have no choice but to bump, regardless of my pride. ':| The project I'm working on can't continue until I at least get some idea of HOW to do this. I'm pretty desperate at this point, so if anyone wants my soul in exchange, I'd gladly hand it over. :eek: [or anything else I can push myself to do]

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