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Added items to a menu

Hello, i'm pretty sure this is a ridiculous request, but it's pretty specific, so I wouldn't blame anyone for not doing it, but I have to at least ask :)

http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t253 ... m/menu.jpg[/IMG]

That's what my menu currently looks like, I can do the cosmetics of it no problem, but actually doing what I want the new commands to do is a problem for me. So if anyone fancies doing this you'll have my utmost gratitude, a big thank-you in my game, and if there's anything else I can do for you don't hesitate to ask. Now, onto what I want doing.

Limit Breaks
I use DVV's Limit Break system in my game, but what I want is for each character to select a limit to use, so say Lauren had Cross Cut and Spiral Blade as Limit Breaks, the player must go to the Limit Break menu and select which one they want to use. You're not able to use Spiral Blade if you have Cross Cut selected. Get what I mean? If that's possible, it would be great for me.

Cards is a side-quest. I can't figure out the AI of how it'll work yet, but that will come later. Basically, I need that menu to display all the cards the player has collected. There will be 40 cards in total. If possible, would it be able to have 4 on each row (unlike the Items menu which has 2 items per row), and I would like it to work much like the items menu. So if possible, when the player picks up a card, could it be stored in the Cards menu instead of the Items menu?

This is a tool which allows the player to change their party members at any time they wish whilst on the world map. I would like for it to display slots for all 8 characters that are in the game, distinguishing between which characters are in the party and which aren't, and being able to change this via this menu.

Whew, a tall order I realise. Anyone wishing to take this up? I will be forever in your debt (that is just a figure of speech i'm afraid ^_^)

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