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ABS Script

Is there a ABS that actually works thats simple, cause most of the ones on this site are gone or don't work. I just need one thats like Zelda.
There's Mr.Mo's and Near Fantastica's SBABS as well, though SBABS is in the downloads section only.

Click the FORUM SCRIPT pic in my signature for a list of scripts (also stickied in the Scripts forum). It's divided into subgroups and the battlesystems are also separated the battlesystems into ABS / CBS / ABS and etc...
Yea, I tried Prexus's and I had everything going but whenever I test played the HUD would show up for a second and then dissapear. Also when I tried out the enemy deal and test played an error came up, and I don't know these scripts are really complicated.

Oh yea and I always go to the subgroups to find what I need. I also tried out Near Fantastica's but I couldn't figure out how to put enemies on there and test it out a bit.

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