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ABS game over? ABS+Addit. Item Drop?

Hi, i have a question about the ABS script(Prexus's), is there a way for when you die not to have it go to game over? moreas be telied to another area, and if so how would you have it so you lose 1/2 your gold or like some of your items you are carrying?

Also your script sorta cancels out Additional Item Drops Version: 1, is there anyway to link the two? have it for when you kill the creature it links to A.I.D. for the items?

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I shall be posting my test bed very soon. It includes a Gameover to Inn System, that allows you to teleport, lose direct / percent of gold, hp, mp, etc.

As for the item drops, I will look at Prexus' ABS and see if I can't get something worked out.

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