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ABS edit

I'm not sure if this is an already made script, but if it is I still have edits for it =D.

Okay, well I want an ABS system that has a casting time for spells, it should be simple I think, just put in like a
@show animation [skill1]
@wait [200] frames
@force action [heal]

As you can tell I am not a very good scripted (if i was id make it myself)
But, I hope that its that simple =D. Also can you add points so I know where to edit to make longer casting time, different skills and how to change the animation.

But wait, its not over! Is it possible to have spells that... when attacked by a monster stop and ones that can cast even when hit. Ill also need to know what to change to set these spells.

It will help if it is compatible with lots of other scripts (SDK is fine).
Here are some 'Mocked Up Pictures)
I just made them with events, there is not battle =.=
http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y294/j ... mockup.jpg[/IMG]

Mr.Mo I liked your ABS :thumb:

P.S. If you havent guess ToS fans im aiming for a ToS battle system. I'll just make it so enemy encounters teleport you to a different map that has monsters and set abs on. Weeeeeee Exited!^_^

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