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Abolish experience entirely

I'm planning on using a customized leveling system, so I want to completely get rid of experience from my game (basically the 'until next level' and 'experience gained' bars/numbers from the status and main screen of the menu.) As of yet I am using the default menu system.

I can't REALLY tell you what weapon leveling script I am using, because I'm not so sure myself. But--if you can--I want the character's level to be equal to the total level of all of his equipment. (Unequiping weapons and armour will lower his level, and vise-versa.) I realize it is difficult to do this without a given script, so I may be able to do this later, myself.

Any help or pushes in the right direction would be great. Thanks.
^ Forget the requirements altogether, but yes, set the monsters to give no EXP, and also make the Menu System not show EXP.

To make the menu not show it, just delete this line:

draw_actor_exp(actor, x, y + 64)

from Window_Status

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