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A very simple template. No shade.

If you want to nag at me for making these 'Too' simple, read the title >.>

But anyway, I got bored, wanted to do a game quick, well lo and behold I couldn't figure a way to make a simple template, but EVENTUALLY I figured it out, was damn hard to get walking left and right to look how I wanted it though but anyway here they are ^_^
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v642/ ... mplate.png[/IMG]
Base Template.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v642/ ... -Elves.png[/IMG]
Elf Template

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v642/ ... oblins.png[/IMG]
And for lazy people who can't be bothered recolouring the elf template. Goblin Template here :D
And two sprites, one very WIP and one finished
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v642/ ... mplate.png[/IMG]
This is the first sprite I done on it, inspiration for the template :D

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v642/ ... Goblin.png[/IMG]
A W.I.P goblin, just wanted to make sure armour looks right first before I finished, maybe a bit bright on the brown @_@
So how is it? I'll make this thread more ordered at a later date when there is more to show in the way of sprites.
The walking looks good in RMXP. I think it jumps a little, but I'm not sure.

Are you making a game with these? If so, I'd love to see it. :thumb:
Well I'm starting one with these yes, but I can't quite decided on what sort of battle system to use. ATM I have the battles setup like in the picture of the front view battle system topic.

EDIT: Silly me, anyway I also want to know if anyone has a good 8-bit pallette? I would like to make these pure 8-bit goodness :)
Is that really an 8bit palette?

And you definitely gotta make a jumping and attacking animation for this. I'm making my platformer 8-bit (and going up the ranks with sequels ex. 8-bit>>16 bit>> 32 bit>> 3d)
all we need now are sideview battlers for this, a tileset and extra poses and good games could be made, after some have been made i could try my hand at extra poses and maybe even some battlers
I love the 8-Bit sprites kinda reminds me of the first Final Fantasy game. Witch I have some tile sets from the Final Fantasy 4 Advance game as well as some sprite sets. Tho I will post them in a new topic.

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