Game I've been working on for about 2 years now, I don't have a full idea for a story just yet. But here are some screen shots. The one above is the title screen the background of the woods slowly scrolls while the leafs slowly blow...It's not fully finished but it's an idea of what I want it to look like.

You are a no body who works in a small town that is run by thugs, thieves and killers. Although the rest of the town looks past all this and gets on with their life’s. You decide that you have had enough and you want to get out and go somewhere else to find a brighter future. After you try to talk your best friend into leaving with you, he tells you, you are crazy and he wants nothing to do with it. So you decide to leave by yourself.
Upon leaving the town you encounter much more than thieves and thugs. As you make your way through a dangerous forest, you encounter one of your worst nightmares, a man feared by everyone, who decides to challenge you to a battle. You have no choice but to accept, as he defeats you, he promises not to kill you, but instead kills your best friend right in front of your eyes.
As you lay stunned in the forest, a blurry figure by the name of “James” walks up to you and takes you to a safe place, and heals your wounds. James asks what happened to you, but you have no idea, after being hit so hard your memory was erased; the only thing you remember is a man by the name of “Julian floajan”.
James has no idea who the man is, but decides to help you find him. He takes you on an unforgettable journey, through places you would never dream of going to. As you reveal more and more of your identity you start to discover dark secrets about yourself, that lead to new clues as to who you really are.

Name: Daniel
Age: 22
Daniel lives in a small town by himself. He has a job that earns him just enough money to keep a roof over his head and food on the table. Although he hates his job he turns up every day and is really good at it.
Daniel doesn’t have many friends as he doesn’t like to socialize very much, nor does he like being around people. But he does love cats.
He drinks every day because it’s the only thing that he thinks will make him happy. Although drunk or sober Daniel is a really amazing cook, and hunter, he usually hunts for food if he has a bad week at work and can’t afford to buy food.

Name: James
Age: 27
James is an ex-pilot, who lost his job 3 years ago. He makes his money by repairing cars and trucks around his home town.
He doesn’t really have any friends. He is a loner that lives by himself but is very good at fixing things.
He lost his right eye 16 years ago in a freak accident. Upon losing an eye he also lost all his friends along with it.
At school he was bullied and named “The one eyed freak”. Losing an eye to some people would make them weak, but however for James it made him stronger. He would get into fights at school for people teasing him, but would win every single one.
Soon as he left school he joined the army and became one of the best pilots to mankind.

Name: Jessica
Age: 20
Jessica, a young woman who one day would love to have her own restaurant. She loves to cook just like Daniel does. She is well known for her creativity in food.
Although she lives by herself she is very happy and has a job that she really enjoys. Unfortunately the job doesn’t pay well; sometimes she will have to work extra time at the weekends.
When she has time to herself she likes to swim and spend time with her friends.

Name: Kain
Age: 47
Kain, an old war hero, who is currently being held in maximum security prison for murdering four men with his bare hands, although he claims it was self defence, no evidence can prove this. Kain is well known for his crimes, he has been in jail many times for stealing, Fighting and drink driving. People usually say that Kain is in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Day and night system.
Swimming system.
Job system,
Monster arena.
Monster scrolls.
Fishing system.
And more!
Swimming System 2.0 by Amaranth & MCgamer
SDK Version 1.5 - Jimmie Reashu - 2006-03-25 - (Near Fantastica)
Message system by Slipknot
MOG_Animated Title Sofia V1.0 by Moghunter
Anyway, there's more stuff that I’m working on, Please let me know what you think of my ideas and the screen shots. I know there not the best mapping but I’d like feedback on how to improve. Thank you.