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A story im working on...

Hey everyone i decided to post a bit of my story here. I want all of your opinions. My grammer isnt exacly good and I feel that I still havent gotten use to the way I would like to write. So please humor me >.>'

String's of fate

Prolouge: "I am not a witch!"

I lived in a town...secluded from other towns. My town was hidden in a forest far away from everyone. I never really understood why. Maybe because the elder thought the outside was dangerous? I lived with my mother and my best friend who felt more like a sister to me. Her name was Ridley. I loved my village and my life that to other's would seem boring. Atleast... it would seem boring up until my 18th birthday. That's when everything changed....

"Happy birthday Liane!!" My mouth dropped open as Ridley and my Mother jumped out at me. "Haha To think I thought you both had forgetten!" Ridley smiled brightly at me "Not at all silly! We would never forget your 18th birthday!" I turned to my mother and smiled "Yes sweetheart your finally a woman...Now would you like some cake?" I jumped joyfully "Off course I would!!" And so the day proceeded in a joyful manner... Night time quickly came upon us. Me,My Mother,and Ridley sat on the table chatting away. Suddenly Ridley rose from the table and headed for the door. "Sorry guys but I want to take a walk". I looked at her "You and your nightly walks your like a vampire or something". Ridley giggled "I cant help it I love night time!" With that she walked off. I should have followed her...

Time was ticking faster and Ridley had yet to return. "Liane dear would you mind fetching Ridley Its getting awfully late..." I nodded my face expression quickly turned to worry Ridley was never late. Before I even made it to the door a villager rushed in. It was charles the sheep tamer. I didnt really know him that well...He wasnt an important part of my life as rude as that may sound. "The elder wants everyone to come to the town square quickly!!" Charles rushed off,and I turned to my mother frowning. "I wonder whats going on...Come on mom lets hurry"
I walked down the path holding my mother gently. The nightly breeze flew through our light brown hair. Other villager's ran hastely ahead of us.We finally had reached the town square and my face went from worry to horror. In the middle of the square was Ridley tied up to a pole wooden logs surrounded her legs. "Please Belive me I am not the woman you think I am! I am not a witch!!" I quickly let go of my mother and pushed past the crowds of people. This is the first time I had ever heard or even seen our village accusing someone of being a witch. I pushed more villagers aside and finally was face to face with ridley.

"Oh Liane!! Please help me!!" Ridley tried to fight back tears. "I will I promise!" The village elder shoved me aside "Get away from her Liane she's evil!" I was so overwhelmed with shock I didnt even know what to say. Ridley evil? How could that be possible... "Ridley Stone has been caught using magic to murder one of our villagers!" "Her punishment you ask...To burn in the everlasting inferno!!" Suddenly everyone started cheering. This couldnt be happening... I rushed next to Ridley "Thats a lie Ridley would never hurt anyone and besides this is proposterous she cannot use magic!" I could feel the stinging eyes of anger that were directed to me from the elder. "Liane you foolish girl! We saw her with our own eyes as she slayed that poor man...She set him on fire and now we shall do the very same to her!!" I was starting to lose hope...

"Oh yeah well where is the body!!" I yelled out trying to stall. The elder turned to a villager and nodded. The villager dragged out a burnt body everyone gasped and covered there mouth's. Shocked I turned to Ridley. "Please Liane believe me I would never kill another human being!" "Ridley..." The elder grabbed the torch from a built man. "Burn you witch buuuurn!" The elder pushed me aside. "Noooo! Stop this madness!!" I tried to stop the elder but a group of village men held me back. "Please Noooo!! Nooooooooooooooo!!!!" The elder lit the logs and the pole ridley was tied to slowly stated to become aflame. "Ahhhhhhhhh it huuuuuurts!!! LIIIIIAAAANE" "RIDLEY RIDLEYYYYYY!!" The villagers let me go and I rushed to her but there was nothing I could do... Her skin started to burn away her hair completely gone... I heard her softly speak my name... "L...I...A...N...E".

Her head dropped down....and I knew from this moment on my life had changed. I dropped to my knees and sobbed. I felt my mother embrace me and together we cried.... The villagers walked away. It started to rain its as if god...had also realized the mistake that had been made that very night... This would lead me on a journey to change the past...but at the same time sacrafice something important to gain something that meant everything to me...

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