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[A] Stone Spells System - idea for a nice script

Its based on the Ryu's acession skill in Breath of Fire 3, but i want it to cast
spells not transform into dragons.

this is my idea: during the game you find magical stones that you combine to cast spells, look the picture to understand better:


when you use a stone it gets experience and can level up (like materias in FF7) the max level of a stone is 10. (or more if you want)

each character have his own stones, (will need a new scene on the menu to "equip" them) or it can be shared by the party, the number of stones that can be used by a character to cast a spell can be by level (each 10 character's levels he can use one more stone to cast a spell, starting with only one slot in lv1) or can be made by the number of slots of his weapon (in my opnion the weapon slots is much better).

Optional: stones can be equiped on armors to add Passive bonus.

types of stones:

Elemental: fire, ice, wind, earth, dark, light - they are the base of the spell,
without them you can only cast a non elemental spell that cause no damage (only to cause or heal negative/positive status)
Lv effect: each level results on a diferent spell (if you have fire lv1 will cast burn, if its lv2 will be flare, lv3 eruption, etc...)
Obs: reverse elements cant be used together (like ice and fire or wind and earth) elements that are not inverse will merge into an stronger one, like fire + earth = magma, or fire + wind + light = sun

Attribute: strength, dexterity, agility, inteligence - they add bonus damage on the spell based on the choosen attribute (if you use the strenght stone the spell will deal bonus damage based on your strenght
Lv effect: the bonus damage is stone_level*10% of your attribute (lv4 dexterity stone will add 40% of your dex in bonus)
Obs: maximum 2 of these at the same time (to not overpower the spell)

Reverse: inverts the effect of the stone selected before (transform ice in fire for example)
Lv effect: inverts one more stone to every 2 levels (a lv4 reverse can revert
ice,strength and earth transforming it in fire, inteligence and wind)
Obs: will only inverts the stones that are before the Reverse (if you have fire, dexterity, reverse and wind, wind will not be transformed into earth) and reverse can only effect Elemental and Attribute stones.

Status: add a negative effect (or posive if using Heal stone) to the target based on the next stone (only work with Elemental), example: status + fire will cast a fire spell that add the negative effect of Berserk to the opponent
or status + light + heal will add Regeneration and heal one ally.
Lv effect: chance to work is status stone's level*10% (lv4 status stone have 40% chance of adding the status - enemy resistence to that status.

Amplify: increases the lv of the next stone (lv10 amplify used before lv10 fire will make lv20 fire, yes it can upgrade a stone that its already on the max level, you can add a limit if you want, like level15 or something)
Lv effect: each level increase 10% of the next stone level.
Obs: if used with Status stone will have a special effect: will upgrade the status: fire's negative effect will not make berserk anymore, will make burning (damage per turn), light's positive effect will not be regen, will be bless, etc..

Heal: makes your spell affect your party and cause positve effects
Lv effect: i have no ideia >.<

Mass: makes the spell affect more than one enemies (or ally if using heal)
Lv effect: each level the stone can affect one more target (in lv 5 affects 6 targets)

you can add more if you want
Being as you've actually bothered to write a detailed request, I'll do it, but I wouldn't expect it before christmas, I have a few requests that I'm already trying to finish as it is and everytime I go to work on them I end up being distracted by one thing or another.

A few questions:
The spells they cast is this to be like a skill in the database which when they use it does the effect of the stones?
Do you want the stones to be items? So you can buy them at a normal shop if so do you want them to be armours?
Fomar0153;117895 said:
Being as you've actually bothered to write a detailed request, I'll do it, but I wouldn't expect it before christmas, I have a few requests that I'm already trying to finish as it is and everytime I go to work on them I end up being distracted by one thing or another.

A few questions:
The spells they cast is this to be like a skill in the database which when they use it does the effect of the stones?
Do you want the stones to be items? So you can buy them at a normal shop if so do you want them to be armours?

i know that i requested a very complex script and i dont expect it ready soon,
you dont need to hurry :D

i prefer the base of the spell (element) be a database skill, but you can do all by script

i prefer the stones to be itens, the player can buy them in shops, and if you want you can make them equipable on the armors (armor slots must be added by script) (like materias) to give passive bonus (fire stone make your armor resistant to fire and inteligence stone adds inteligence bonus to the character for example)

dont forget: to use magic a weapon with slots is needed (the slots of the weapons are the slots in the spell scene, in the picture i made there are 5 slots (2 of them are used by wind and reverse), so the character is using a 5-slot weapon. but if you want you can make by level

thank you for helping me =D

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