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A Script or two I need

O_o First of all, I'm new, so nice to meet ya.

Secondly, I'm running RPGMaker XP with Standard Menus and Standard Battle System, on a full (trial) version.

What I'm after is three things:

~_~ A simple explanation of how to actually implement scripts
~_~ A script that would disable the save command from the field/status menu
~_~ A script to Add a Menu option to swap party members or something similar.

I've searched around for a save disabler for XP but can't find any, and I have a script for swapping party members saved on my computer, but it seems excessively complicated and I can't get it to work, which is the first thing I wanna know - how I actually implement them.

I've tried jamming them into events, but that didn't seem to work. I know how to use Common Events well if need be, but I've had no experience with Variables as of yet - I'm 4 days into my 30 day trial and I love the program.

Any help is gold, so fill my pockets! :D
Hello. Welcome to the forums!

What you mean by disabling Save command? You mean remove it completely from the menu?

Party Changer script can be found in SephirothSpawn's Testbed v.3.

As for implementing/using one - well that entirely depends on the script. Some are plug and plays that work instantly, some require setting up and some are complex systems that I don't even go near. Adding the actual script works the same for all scripts though. To add a script to your game, open the script editor, right click over the scripts and make a new script. Then copy and paste the script across from the forums and into that blank page you have just made. Remember to name it too.
Calibre;118440 said:
As for implementing/using one - well that entirely depends on the script. Some are plug and plays that work instantly, some require setting up and some are complex systems that I don't even go near. Adding the actual script works the same for all scripts though. To add a script to your game, open the script editor, right click over the scripts and make a new script. Then copy and paste the script across from the forums and into that blank page you have just made. Remember to name it too.

All very helpful info, thanks a bundle guys XD

About the above quoted: How can I tell what scripts are plug and plays or otherwise, and is this script editor a seperate program I need to download?

@Trickster/Seph/Whoever ya really are and Kuri$u - Permenant removal from a project would be best, as I'd like to implement a save point system like that of FFX.

@Kuri$u - does this party changer script include a status menu item?

@Everyone - can anyone point me to a step-by-step tut to installing scripts? That'd probably be best as I'm a coding illiterate, graphics is more my forte.

Thanks again, and your help is very much appreciated :)

Edit1-Being more specifificicific,
I think you have the wrong idea, actually implementing the "majority" of scripts is pretty easy. Perhaps I mislead you. Some scripts are made to change your game instantly - for example menu systems can often be plug and play. Other types of script such as View Range allows you to add a function to your game where events can "see" you. Now of course this is going to require you setting something up within the game - so it cannot be simply a plug and play. The other type (the type I don't use) are more scriptor tools to allow them to aid in making other scripts.

You can find which are more plug and play by reading the instructions. Frequent posters such as Trickster and Sephiroth Spawn usually give full instructions.

Two tabs left of the test play icon in rmxp, is the script editor - so no downloading any programs. Once your in there you'll see a list of scripts to the left - pre-existing scripts. To add a script, you generally insert a new space at the bottom but always above "Main". To the right, you'll see a big notepad like section where you copy and paste the script into. For a plug and play script it is as simple as that, for others, refer to the instructions.
Calibre;118702 said:
I think you have the wrong idea, actually implementing the "majority" of scripts is pretty easy. Perhaps I mislead you. Some scripts are made to change your game instantly - for example menu systems can often be plug and play. Other types of script such as View Range allows you to add a function to your game where events can "see" you. Now of course this is going to require you setting something up within the game - so it cannot be simply a plug and play. The other type (the type I don't use) are more scriptor tools to allow them to aid in making other scripts.

You can find which are more plug and play by reading the instructions. Frequent posters such as Trickster and Sephiroth Spawn usually give full instructions.

Two tabs left of the test play icon in rmxp, is the script editor - so no downloading any programs. Once your in there you'll see a list of scripts to the left - pre-existing scripts. To add a script, you generally insert a new space at the bottom but always above "Main". To the right, you'll see a big notepad like section where you copy and paste the script into. For a plug and play script it is as simple as that, for others, refer to the instructions.

I'm guessing you're a dude so I won't kiss you.

Ok, I've just installed a Party Change script from Sephy, so now I'll test and see what happens...

You guys rock :D

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