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a script for a (maybe?) complicated skill

alright, i'm not sure if this constitutes a script, but i believe that's what it'll be, so i'm putting it in this forum. (feel free to move it if it's wrong.)

anyway. i have two out of my four characters, right? they have this skill, called "Silence". they have it right away, and it doesn't cost any magic (or whatever) to be used.
the thing is, i want this skill to ONLY be able to be used during a boss fight, and only if the enemy has, let's say, 5% HP or lower left. when that's met, the skill becomes selectable in the 'skill' section, and it's usable. when used, the skill knocks out the boss enemy, and the battle ends.

that's about all there is to it.
if anyone needs any more info, just say so.
it also goes without saying that i'd credit you for doing this for me.

much thanks in advance! ^_^
You shouldn't need a script for this, if you are only going to use it for Boss battles. You already have created the skill through the database, right? Good.

Now, go into the database to your Troops tab. Select any boss battle you have set up. At the very bottom of the page, there is an Event handler. In the top-center of the handler is a drop-down box for conditions. Select Moster X's HP < 5% (Monster X being your boss) as the Condition. Now, in the handler, use the Change Skill command to give your character the "Silence" skill.

Now, they will be able to use it in the battle, and then just set an event on the map that removes the Silence skill after the battle is over.

Repeat for all boss battles that you want to have this skill available for.

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