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a request for a couple scripts.

Um..sry to bother again but I need some scripts.
I need the following scripts:

What I need is a simple (maybe not...I'm no scripter) script that makes the actor images change when hit by enemy or uses an item. here is a layout I have prepared.
hopefully you see the main idea...

I would like a simple menu system kind of like this:
Hopefully you get the idea...

Lastly The message system.
I would like a message system that shows the character's name and picture.
Here is an example:
Hopefully you get the idea...

Thats all I need.
Please help me..I would like to make a good game but I have no scripting skills what so ever...
Also if you guys can help me out with this through instant messaging here are my contacts:

AIM: breezemanga
MSN: megamanxer212@hotmail.com

Thank you for your time guys!
Really Appreciate it!

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