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A REAL Challenge for the really GOOD scripters...

Hmm... caught your attention? Well... here it is... my Challenge:

Do you remember the Esper system in FF6? (FF3 for SNES)
You'd equip an Esper and learn their skills... but WAIT there's more... If you earn enough points while they're equiped... you learned that skill regardless of if they were still equipped!

If anyone feels like tackling this one... good luck. Oh and anyone who can figure it out is... Wow... that's all I have to say.

Good luck.
A major part of the esper system has been achieved and the ap acquisition is working. It isn't displayed at the end of the battle but it's working. There's still a few bugs but unless you want to finish it yourself, don't use the script in FFVI SDK 1.8.3. I'm rewriting the SDK and the esper system will be working perfectly in version 2.0.
My apologizes... I didn't know there was already one! Hah... A bit embarrassing... I just thought... "Hey... that'd be cool!" I must've gotten carried away and forgot to search it... thank you for correcting my mistake!

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