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A range Mini-Game

I am looking for a script ( am pretty sure not requested or made yet ) that at script call, will begin a range type mini-game. And dosen't use SDK. Here are some options I'm thinking of:

1) When the game begins you see you're sprite at the bottom of the screen but can only move left and right, and have to shoot a arrow into the # of targets at the top of the map, but there are moving objects ( like the black boulder ball thingys :-/ ) to try and block you and you only have so many arrows, if you hit all 3 the game goes to the next level were there are more objects to block you and everything is faster, and if you don't after you run out of arrows the game closes.

2) When the game begins you see you're sprite at the bottom of the screen but can only move left and right, and have to shoot a arrow into the # of targets at the top of the map, but the thing is, their are dynamics that ( Like wind, and height ) that effect how the arrow moves.

Possible? Maybe... :$
Thanks in advance for any help :D

( I would like it so you get points and if so many points you get prizes but not necessary -_- )
Yes, but with a script it could much easier, because all I would have to do it is call it.. :P
and besides.. events would seem complicated with the hitting the balls and targets and such..

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