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A ragnarok system

Please,someone can help me!!!?
I need a script, that makes the screen rotates w/ the mouse,
and a 3d tileset(for rpg maker xp)....
Please,anyone can do this for me!?:cry01:

OBS:if anyone do this for me,i can add it on credits...
You'd be better off learning to code and hacking into your RO client and making a custom game from the ground up. RO's system is an open box anyway, it wouldn't be that hard if you really... really tried.
If you wanted to you can run a custom private server, give it a storyline, scripts, custom everything or atleast I had done this.Try searching eathena its free, easy, and fun if you can get it up and working.
I was thinking about it,and i got a new idea:
if someone can make a script,who dont make the screen rotate,but make the screen change the angle,pressing a button or something of this type.
My idea its a script that changes the normal settings and add an option to make 4 angles in a map...
This its possible?
(please,if is it possible,make it for me,i add you at the credits,or we see something that i can do):please:



If you could make the 3 other different tilesets, a script to change them would be very very hard I imagine a simple mention in the credits might not be much of a insentive as a script can be huge, and very hard to make. I would just try and make a simple project for your first. ^^



I never said at ALL I would make this for you. :S Dude, you dont NEED this script and by the looks of it if it was a simple script to make somebody would of made it (seeing as its a very common idea) but they havnt. You could offer cash, resources or other things like that.
This idea, althought it may seem hard, could be pulled off without scripting, just some good event coding, several angles of tilesets, and charactersets. Put you'd have to use several variables to memorize the player x,y positions. You'd also need to know how to map with isometric tiles in a 2D platform. It wouldn't be the exact emulation of RO, but it would do ... actually I won't get techincal, because I doubt you'll understand, if I have time I'll make a demo.

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