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A few things...

I'm making a game that looks like it's going to need quite a bit of custom scripting. This forum is by far the most helpful forum I've found so far when it comes to scripts, and I've found a lot of the scripts I'm looking for, but not all of them.
Here are some of the things I need, and I'm very sorry if they exist and I just haven't found them...I looked in the script index several times and haven't been able to find them, so unless I'm just looking over them accidentally, they don't exist.

1. Skill Trees:
Well, basically what I want to do here is give a certain class of character (Mages, basically...but only mages, not the other classes) several skill trees (different elements, like Fire, Water, Earth, Air, etc) that start with one spell each, and by using that spell that skill tree levels up. At certain skill tree levels (not character levels), the character learns new skills. Also, something a bit more complex and unique; when you reach the highest level of two specific skill trees (For example, the Fire skill tree and the Earth skill tree), you gain access to a new skill tree (In this case, "Magma" or something like that), which starts with one spell, and then works just like the basic skill trees.

2. Summoning:
I think summoning itself is easy, correct me if I'm wrong, but all you have to do is make a spell that calls an event that adds a character to your party, right? Is that how it works?
Well, what I want to do is a little more complicated than that: in the field, your max party size is 4. But in battle, you can have 6 members in your party. The other two spots are for summons, which go away after the battle. What makes this even MORE complicated is that I want a party switch system, too...this kind

Also...I had a question about the above party switch system, because I'm probably going to be using it. If I understand correctly, you can set it so certain, "locked" characters don't appear in the reserve, but I don't know how you make it so like, once you get a character once, they appear in the reserve after that, even if your party is full at the time.
OmegaGroudon;112176 said:
The skill tree system I need too...
And I think the summoning system someone create it before, is it Seph?
Try searching in this forum...

Well, my problem isn't that I can't do summons. I figured out how to do that.
What I need is a way to make my max party size in the field 4 but the max party size in battle 6.
OmegaGroudon;112218 said:
I saw a script that can allow you to have 5 member in battle...
Use search... I forgot where I saw it XD


I'm pretty sure what you saw was just something that increased max party size to 5, but this applies to the field and the battle.

EDIT: I found what you're talking about, but I think it only works in one direction - the script you're referring to has a max party size of 10 but a party size in battle of 5, but in that case, the battle size is less than the max party size (field size). What I need is a "max party size" for the field of less than the battle party size. The reason for this is that I don't want you to be able to fill the fifth and sixth spots while in the field (when new people join your party. If your party's already got 4, they go into the reserve (which is another thing I need to figure out how to do...party switch systems are confusing >_<)), but you can fill the fifth and sixth spots in battle (with summons).
If there's another way to make it so you can't get a fifth character in your party while not in battle, that would work too...unfortunately, the conditional branch event doesn't have a "If party size is _" option.
(This is SephirothSpawn on my little brothers account)

I am planning and am outlining a Skill Tree Developement system. The plan is to let you define skill paths, divisions are allowed and you can teir off in one or both directions. You earn points in several ways.

I am developing a parent system that will actually give you "Reward Points" when certain actions are taken. This will allow me to use the save system without having to do the same things over and over again. :D

Anyways, on the side, I am finishing up a quick RO Skill System Request. It's similar, just less dynamic.

As far as the summoning goes, I am planning out my next version for this as well. It will either add new actors or replace all actors bringing in only the summon to replace the party. Remind me in 2 weeks if you haven't heard anything from me about this. I will try to throw something in that lets you add extra summon only character slots as well.
Fullmetal Alchemist999;112235 said:
(This is SephirothSpawn on my little brothers account)

I am planning and am outlining a Skill Tree Developement system. The plan is to let you define skill paths, divisions are allowed and you can teir off in one or both directions. You earn points in several ways.

I am developing a parent system that will actually give you "Reward Points" when certain actions are taken. This will allow me to use the save system without having to do the same things over and over again. :D

Anyways, on the side, I am finishing up a quick RO Skill System Request. It's similar, just less dynamic.

As far as the summoning goes, I am planning out my next version for this as well. It will either add new actors or replace all actors bringing in only the summon to replace the party. Remind me in 2 weeks if you haven't heard anything from me about this. I will try to throw something in that lets you add extra summon only character slots as well.

Awesome, that skill tree system sounds great...I'm currently thinking of using Kio's Skill Learning script, which is the closest thing to what I want to do, but not quite exact. I dunno. I look forward to seeing how your skill tree system works.
For summons, yeah, I don't really want to do the FF style summons that replace your party, just a spell that adds a creature in addition to the party. And I've already figured out how to do that part (without using any script!), I just need the summon-only character slots in battle. Yeah...that would be quite helpful. I'm thinking about something involving switches, but it's not compatible with the party switch system I think I'm going to use.

Anyways, I still don't know how the party switch system I just linked to works - I know "disabled_for_party" makes it so a "locked" character doesn't appear, but I don't know where you set it up so a specific character is disabled, nor do I know how you would remove that lock. I'm thinking I might just make a completely text-based, no-scripting-involved, party switch system...it would just be a lot more work. But, on the other hand, the non-scripting system would be compatible with my summon slot switches system.

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