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A few scans of my sketchbook

I had this idea to make a skull theme of some things to I made a chest and a Key in my sketchbook I've been waiting to get a scanner but I decided to screw it and use my brothers. So I also scanned a re-make of one of my earlier sketches of a hand holding something that I still don't have any clue what it is. And then I also drew a scythe. Tell me what you think. The scans aren't perfect though. Some of the key and the chest's shadow got cut off. Maybe later I'll scan a few of the sword hilts I drew in my other sketchbook.

I like weapons and skulls were just my thing this year. I would try to draw other things but I can't so I just let my hands go and then work on the tweaks after.
I really like that chest sketch. It looks, hope you don't mind me saying so, cartoony in a nostalgic sence. It reminds me of an old snes or sega genesis game... can't remember what but the style of that game was, for the time remarkable...

Though I'm not really crazy about the others. Keep it up, and share some more.
Ok so I did a few more scans and lined 2 of them and dashed in some color.


http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w158 ... stcopy.jpg[/IMG]
In the skull (digitized, also you're avatar) has lines that appaer to be from scanning and using a paintbucket, in the mouth and around the eyes, or if that was an accident - but it looks good with the lines there, and somewhat intentional. Thats no critique I'm just asking, because if it was an accident I'd still leave it. Gives it a stylized look. I would even add a black background and create the same lines outlining the skull. Then it'll look really stylish.

However in you're treasure chest there are some white spots. Such as next to, on the left side, of the lower skulls' teeth. The brim of the treasure chest right there, and some spots along the darked areas elsewhere. I'd fixe these, just makes things look less hashdash.

The Treasure chest looks good, otherwise, except the dimensions seem off. It appears we are looking up at it, but the skull seems flat and dimensionaless. Adding, even if a much thinner backing/side to it would clear that up. Then I'd have nothing to say lol.

Keep it up, and share more. I still really like the style of the chest.
Well, For the skull's lines, my photoshop does that for some reason and the black in the backround would look pretty cool, I'll try it. Still don't know why. For the chest, the white spots I'll fix. And the skull was originally shading but I'm no good at that, yet. The chest also had a shadow on it but that got cut off. I'll give the idea of putting a side on it a shot though.
If you want to correct the "lines" in photoshop adjust the setting - what was it called? Damn... tolerance! Raise the tolerance a bit, of either the painbucket or the magic wand.

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