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A couple of script requests

Hello. I've got 2 requests. The first one is for a menu. I want the menu to display like the Diablo2 character sheet(like in the pic below). I want it alot like that, except vitality should be agility and energy should be intelegence. The name, exp, lvl and amount of exp needed to lvl up should be in those exact spots (also, i do want boxes around each of the stat fields and things if you can do that.) Stamina should be replaced by magic and stay in the same spot, and the mana shouldnt be there. the resistences should be there, but read the elements of the game, and what the items add to that (just like in d2). The damage should show what your character would deal against an enemy with no deffence, or not there at all. Where it shows the character class should be in the same spot and also, deffence should be in the same spot too.

I also want a script that changes the window size (and makes the game so it can only be played in a window). the window size should be 804x625 if you can do that... im not sure. But back to the menu, it should have these options beside it: Items, Equip, Spell Book, Status, Save, Exit and Load. I know, this will probably be hard, but I hope someone will atleast try to help me. If you can only make 1 of these scripts, thatll be fine. Thanks.

http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h166/ ... 122/D2.jpg[/IMG]

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