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[A+] CMS + Map



Hey everyone, I have a request here, and yes, I did read that topic on making script requests. ^_^

For the most part this is a fairly simple CMS, aside from a Map display and altered equipment slots. Well, here goes.


Alright, this should be fairly easy. When the player presses Esc, (or whatever the standard pause button is) the screen fully desaturates and the menu opens up. By menu I mean the small bar seen in the top left corner, seen in every one of the following mock ups.

Player uses the arrow keys to navigate through the options on the menu. When one is selected, a window pops up, as seen in every mock up.

The blue background is the map the player is on, like the background. I'd like the windows to use the games set window skin, but half transperant if possible.


This shows the party. Each party members sprite is just thier regular sprite, as seen in the Database. I'd like thier HP and SP displayed in a percentage of thier max. Thats about it, I suppose.


Here as you can see the items window is divided into three parts. The category bar, the items list, and the small money window.

The category bar should be visible at all times. The player navigates through it with the arrow keys. As they select a category, thiers items are displayed. (Meaning that, if a category is not selected, the items list is left blank.)

I'd like items to be listed in Alphabetical Order.

The money window is shown at all times, and is not selectable. It simply stays where it is.

I'm not sure how to make items classified as 'Special'. Perhaps you, the scripter, can figure out a way of doing this. Thanks.


The sprites represent party members. Until you select one, the entire equipment window below it is blank.

Main Weapon: This is the slot that holds a weapon.

Secondary Weapon: Kinda like Weapon add-ons. (eg. A machine gun's scope or grenade launcher). These items will be in the weapon class in the Database. I want the script do be customizable, saying what add ons can be put on what weapons.

Clothes: These items will be in the 'Armors' section of the Database. This replaces shields, helmets, and armor.

Accesory 1 and 2: Normal accesory slot, only there are two of them.

(I am not using any visible equipment systems, relax.)


Should be self explanitory. ^^


Just a simple 'Are you sure?'. If the player says yes, teleport them to a map. The screen tints pure black first. The player is then teleported (I should be able to edit this part with the map ID and coordinates if it is needed.) and after the teleport is complete, nothing happens.

(I have a special map/picture based title screen, theres a parralel process event on the title map that erases the character and untints the screen.)


Thanks in advance to anybody who can fill this request. You will be creditted, but other than that I dont have much to offer, unless you'd like a sprite or two in return.



Bump? Again, I dont need this, but I really dont want to release a demo of my game before I get this in there. So, I'd really appreciate it if somebody could script this.



If you don't need it, then why are you saying i can't release my game without it? I think that clearly states that you do need it plus it sounds pretty much like suttle bribery in a way.

But hey thats just what i see :D

If i get the time later, i will have a stab at this for you. I wanna re-utilise myself into the scripting world again XD. I've only got a little cwk to do later after college so i'll have a go then.

Also i hate the whole window skin system for the rmxp so i will probably, create all the graphic work for it too.




Mac;127623 said:
If you don't need it, then why are you saying i can't release my game without it? I think that clearly states that you do need it plus it sounds pretty much like suttle bribery in a way.

But hey thats just what i see :D

If i get the time later, i will have a stab at this for you. I wanna re-utilise myself into the scripting world again XD. I've only got a little cwk to do later after college so i'll have a go then.

Also i hate the whole window skin system for the rmxp so i will probably, create all the graphic work for it too.


Well, I didnt say I need it to release my game, but parts of this script (Mainly the equipment slot edits and map) are gameplay features that I thought would be great to add into my game.

Now, thanks for giving a shot at this, but I'd much prefer to use the window skin system, a bit more consistant that way. Thanks again.



Ahhh thats fair enough then, it will save me extra effort when it comes down to it all.

I have almost finished cwk, so expect to see something at the max by the weekend, i've got this weekend off work so i can go more in to it.
Ill give it a go :P
But for the map thing, why not make it display the map with a picture called the map id number. Would svae you having to do all the parreal events and stuff. I think ill be able to do this.
BTW what does 'desaturates' mean? :P

EDIT: Got quite a lot done. Ill finish it tomorrow



Thanks in advance for the script, buddy. As for the map thing, your method would actually work rather well, script it that way if you like. Also, Desaturation refers to the ammount of gray in images, so when I say 'Desaturate the Background' I mean make it turn black and white when the menu is up.
Ok, one other thing im confused about your equip thing?
If thats from a custom system could ya send me the script so i can make it fit, and everything else is done other than the item screen, but thats nearly done.
omg! I actually WAN'T to do this. If someone gives up, I can do this! Like, my compy is getting repaired as of right now, but DAMN. This sounds like fun! I could whip this entire system up in a day!




@Prefix: The equipment thing kind of has been done before, but the one posted is quite diffferent, I dont think it allowed for attachments to be taken off, nor do I think it let specifications be made as to what attachments can go onto what equips.

@Eiji: If for whatever reason Prefix can't finish, you're more than welcome to finish it, although from the looks of it he's almost done.

EDIT: Prefix, once your finished, would it be alright if you were to PM the script to me rather than posting it on the forums? I'd prefer if it was unique to my game.
@Eiji: HaHa, you could finish it off if you want? I am having some trouble with the item, for some odd reson the x corords dont change when I tell the script to, and I havnt started the equip screen yet. If you want ill send you what I have :P, we could just work on it together...

@FlamerFox: Could you link me to it so i can start the equip screen? :P

EDIT: Flamer, i have got all of it done apart from the equip screen because i need to see the scipt first, cheers
Oh and Eiji I want to finish it all now :)



@Eiji: Are you talking to me or Prefix? If you were talking to me, then it's Enterthesublime@hotmail.com. As for Prefix, I'm pretty sure its lying around somewhere in his profile. ^^

Edit: Prefix, if you haven't already finished by the time you read this post, could I maybe get a screenshot or two to see how it's going so far? I'm pretty anxious to know.
yeah ok, ill get some screenshots now...

Uses image file in pictures folder called "Map_(then the current map id)"
eg. for map one the image will be called Map_1

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