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[A] CMS Layout Request

Menu Mock Image

This is my mock menu. I can't remember the font name (sorry, it's an old image) but anything remotely similar will do nicely. Here's all I ask for:

- The basic layout of that image, except move the whole image area up by about 48 pixels, because I plan to have some 32x32 icons along the bottom. Don't worry about those, that I will learn later.

- The command menu working, with an arrow (similar to the one pointing at "Command List" in the main window.

- Only the Status, Item, and Save/Load functions need to be working properly. Ignore all of the "+99xp" and whatever. That was from an older idea.

- When in the status menu the cursor should move between Command List, Ability List, and Magic List. When the cursor is over command list, whether or not you pressed enter, it should update the contents of the little window. Don't worry about the actual contents, again that is something I will deal with later. Just make a window script for each one with the names.

- The picture in the background is the current characters battler. You can tint and use transparencies until it looks good.

- The window that says status should say which of the commands on the leftmost menu you clicked only after you are in that menu. The main menu should not disappear, the contents of the main windows should just change when a command is selected. When you hit esc you should go back to the main menu commands without closing the window you are in.

- Oh, and be sure to comment like crazy, I'm trying to use this to learn off of, and I plan to expand upon it once it is done, so the more I understand it the better.

That's more than I thought it would be, I'm sorry, but I still don't think it should be too hard. It looks pretty similar to the default menu, though the theme is a bit darker. If I'm asking for too much then that's fine, but if anyone is willing to do this for me, than thank you very much, it means a lot to me! The alternative is if someone would like to coach me through doing this on AIM or MSN or any other messenger, my AIM is FFJP RPGf and I will give you my MSN if you use that instead. Again, thank you!

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