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3D house

The modeling looks good, but the textures bugs me. maybe you should have applied a different one for the roof
It would also look good with a landscape, you should try Terragen.
Otherwise, nice job.
Could you post one without the scenery?
On like a white background, or a grid?
like this:http://www.leyman.demon.co.uk/house%20with%20leys.gif
Itd be easier to critique that way.
You mean steal for your own use. How dim do you think people are?

Badmonur, it reminds me of Withnail and I so much and that horror movie (it had Sean Bean in Wales)

Edit: The Dark, that's it.
No no. Don't worry.
I just wanted to see it without all the bushes and shrubs and junk.

I like the angle on the 2nd pic, but the 3rd one is a lil weird. Too dark for my taste.
(Cant believe i just said that)
Nice, looks like something from Postal or Half-Life...
And yeah, the weird rectangular shadow on the 3rd pic is a little odd looking, to say the least.

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