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I honestly can't believe you guys think it's me... :( And, I also really don't think like arguing with all of you. All I'm saying, is that this is totaly unfair... :(

~ Danton Lavergne



God dman it, you know what this is a repeat of right? Ok let's just put it this way,. don't flame him as no evidence is floating around anywhere. Well nothing solid anyway. If we keep going like this we'll have lots of spam so stop.

Edit:*Realises nobody had flamed him in the topic, but you know what I mean people*



Yeah, so lets keep bumping this topic with how we should all forget about him, and move on to trying to get this place back to something resembling its normal life .. ^_^
Aww I feel so bad that people thought it was you. That must really suck. But can you think of anyone you made angry in the past few days? I mean maybe some baby just took something you said wrong, ya know? Perhaps it's possible to figure out who it is. Or at least narrowed down so they can be watched... Maybe it's something you can talk about with the mod's though that might have already been done.

Let this be a lesson, dont flame people. Unless....ah stuff it, im out of witty comments.

Sheesh just because you get flammed doesn't mean you have to take it out on the world. :P Then you're basically doing to everyone else what they did to you as well as it's compleatly childish. Who cares what someone thinks. I mean if they're a flammer then obviously they're an immature idiot but that doesn't mean you should behave the same. Flamming is mostly done out of jelousy or for attention/angering. Just ignore it. Because when you do pay attention to it, then you are doing exactly what the flammer wants you to.
I don't really know you that well, and I don't mean this offensively...

But did, or could you have posted something that could have been taken as flaming? If so, maybe he used you as the scape goat as a sorta revenge...
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