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24h Script

Umm, hi there!

I just traded my old rpg2k3 into a new and shiny RPG Maker XP, but I've got some trouble with this scripting thing, so here is my problem:

I tried to make a 24 hours day in my game, using a common event which is basically waiting 200 frames, changing the screen colour tone in that time and then, when the 200 frames are up, showing the current time (12, 13, 14, etc.) as a short animation. It also includes the possibility so "jump" to a specified hour or just "jump" over one or more hours (for example while resting in an Inn) but somehow it isn't working that well, and so I thought if there is the possibility to
do a more professional version of this as a script :S

I searched and didn't find anything, so I would be veeeery thankful if someone could lend me a hand (or a script) here!:)

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