...or "Alicia Chan in Wonderland", is a fun little Puzzle-Adventure where your objective is to help little Alicia find her way through a few challenging mini-maps. It is a very short game, but some places on her journey will turn out to be quite difficult and tricky to solve / get through ; )
It was designed as a short game from the start, and its content is completely custom made.
Pixel graphics (sprites / icons / tilesets / HUD and effects ) (Nebelstern)
Illustration Art (Character avatars / title screen) made by the very gifted and nice (surrealism) artist XkY.
Gameplay mechanics ('pseudo action battle system') (Nebelstern) - it's pure event based, no scripting involved. so... it may be a little rough, but it works nice enough.
Music (1 track only) is borrowed from music artist deluxe Aivi Tran, but may be replaced at some
Sound (All sounds) from royaliy free open sources.
You can walk with the arrow keys and try the space bar for actions. That's all there really is to it, the rest you will have to find out yourself.
"Play Me!"