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Spike Lee's The Twilight Zone

Spike Lee's The Twilight Zone


Status: Complete

Playtime: 1 - 2 Hours

Download HERE! (7.5MB)


Four friends play an innocent game of Energy Ball in a field when one bats the ball a BIT TOO FAR and it ends up smashing into Spike Lee's window! When they go over to apologize, Spike Lee and his assistant trick and kidnap them to use as extras for several of his upcoming NASTY FEATURE FILMS, which include:


Beloved Raptors:
Where the young Asian film connoisseur, Psyburn, is thrown in the midst of the journey of a young dinosaur on a quest to meet the love of its life.


Saving Private Rhyhorn:
The gritty war epic coming next summer based on the showdown of the humans and the Pokémon.


Thursday the 12th:
Where the sexy Shotgun Girl must guide her trigger finger to wade through a haunted warehouse crawling with the LIVING DEAD!


Kinky Kong:
An abstract, artsy erotica film starring a polymorphous perverse chimpanzee and Sonic the Hedgehog.


The Good, The Bad and The Furry:
Sponsored by the Anti-Furry Organization, a propaganda western where a group of no-good locals dressed as squirrels and chipmunks have been terrorizing a town's women. Spitz the Wolf Teen must take them all out, high-noon fashion!


Norbit in Orbit:
Eddie Murphy must battle robots with a lightsaber to stop Spike Lee from making a clone army. Samuel L. Jackson assists him.


What you can expect:
- Totally mini-game oriented gameplay. This is not an RPG!
- A totally zany story with numerous cameos from celebrity big shots!
- A fuckin challenge, but hopefully a fun one!
- This game has been given the "Michael Bay" treatment, so explosions! Scantily clad women!
- One heck of an ending!



Download HERE! (7.5MB)
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