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Orcube 2

Orcube 2

Orcube 2 is a logic game created by the brazilian team called Atrion Softwares, which the player takes the white ball until the blue sphere, solving the enigmas to get through the objective.

Main characteristics

  • There's many types of collision blocks in the game. Some of these blocks can help the player, while others, turns the game harder, what makes the player think about the ball's trajetory.
  • The graphics of orcube 2 are beaultiful, with a completely spacial field.
  • Well-done effects come with the game, since Menus and Display until the movement of the ball.
  • The sound effects are great and the songs are of the eletronic genre.
  • Enigmas were best prepared, some even carrying secrets.

Take the white ball until the blue sphere, safely.
The ball is limitated to horizontal and vertical moviments, this way diagonal moviments are impossible to
happen. Its continued moviment and its speed will get down to zero on a shock with any object. Be careful
with what you're gonna shock the ball. There are secrets in some levels.
There are 50 levels.

D: Display
Z: Restart
Q: Turn music off
W: Turn on/change the music
Esc: Go back to the menu

Note: The RTPXP is not needed.

Event Programation:
Pixel Art: [Unknown]
Graphic Edition: Pedrohenaf
Design: Pedrohenaf
Musics and Sound Effects: Pedrohenaf
Scripts: LB, Pedro hcdo, Pedrohenaf, Cybersam, Astro_mech, NearFantastica, Adam Smith, Madajuv,
Striker Level: Striker
Translation: Lookz
Cheers: Heckt, Smess

Notes of the Autor
"Orcube 2 is finally end. And all of this would be nothing without the following people.
A special thanks to LB, by his huge help, who had the patience to help me until the end of the project. Without him, I wouldn't have arrived where I am. Probably, Orcube 2 wouldn't even be launched. That's why I appreciate his job.
I'd like to say thank you too to the scripter Pedro hcdo, who fixed a terrible error with the continuous movement of the white ball, and added a wonderful effect in the game.
Thanks to Heckt, who had the patience to hear and evaluate all the songs of the game. It helped me to notice what should be changed in each one of them.
Thanks to Striker for the strenght, and also for the striker Level, which is pretty cool.
Thanks to the maker Smess, because, the title menu of Orcube 2 was based in his Menu Personalizado 2 (Custom Menu 2).
Thanks to Lookz CPF, for the translation of this game and topic, what allowed me to make these things also in english.
And finally, I'd like to say thanks to all of you for the patience you had for waiting for the lauch of orcube 2, after a hole year.
Thank you so much!"
  • orcube1.png
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  • orcube2.png
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  • orcube3.png
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