It is Finals week, and 4 thieves have gone into the Print Studio and are taking all of the supplies. The Monitor of a print studio must get their friends, find the thieves, and take back the print supplies so students can keep working....You are the Monitor! Respect the craft.

There are 4 bosses you need to beat, and they are hidden throughout rooms in the Print Studio! Please kick them out. The combat is standard Turn Based Combat using the Press Turn System, made by Yami.
There are many small and silly routes to get what you want and do what you need. As long as you are strong and respect the craft, you will be winning the game. Welcome to the game.

Many of the enemies and skills are based on Printmaking Terms, since you are the monitor of a Fine Arts Printmaking studio.
Please be on the lookout for small little comics (this game is based on small comic I used to do) that show more of the characters.
Any questions you have can be in the Comments section, I will do my best to respond. Thank you for reading, if you did.