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RPG Maker Version
This resource uses content from the RPG Maker MZ RTP and usage falls under the respective license of that RTP. RPG Maker MZ must be owned to use this resource and it may only be used in engines covered by that license.
I took the larger world map icons and placed on a character sheet. It was kind of annoying that you can't approach a castle from the center. Or align it to a road.
There are certainly other ways to solve this problem, but I found this was the easiest solution.
Plus, I notice there were some gaps in the resources. Castles in the Tsukuru (Maker) series generaly come in 4 colors: red, blue, green, yellow. For some reason MZ only has 2 colors. It has a snow variation for one fort, but not the darker colored fort.
So. I filled in these gaps and added a few extra variations as well. A gold castle. A sunken underwater castle. A little experimental.

I may update this sheet in the future.
Requires Rpg Maker MZ.
Use an any project.
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