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tilesets of unknown origin

I found a tileset labeled "modern building exterior" that looked quite serviceable. Unfortunately I have no idea who created it. Does anybody know?
I have a guess

There were a few others like that. "modern apartment building", "school"...



Oh, hey, those are by Kztkzt. I thought all his stuff was lost when his site went down. Someone save 'em quick, in case that site goes belly up.
I'm working on it Ccoa. But hrmm I've never seen you talk like that before. Lol anyways good find flowerthief. I lost the url to that site. But I'm saving them as I type this. Its kinda hard but its getting done. ~enjoi



flowerthief;112243 said:
Kztkzt, huh. So you suppose it's all right if we use his stuff?

He did previously release them for use. It's just that his site vanished - I'm not sure if it went down completely, or if it was moved.

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