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Scheduled Downtime Tonight at 12:00 AM EST

Scheduled Downtime Tonight at Midnight

Greetings and salutations my despised userbase. Heard you've been having troubles. A little less than happy with the search results lately? The keyword search just not yielding useful leads for you these days? Your just too lazy to just click your way through the depths of this cavernous forums aren't we. No, now we need some kind of magic box that just finds useful content for us in matter of seconds. Hmm. Don't we? Yeah. Typical.

Anyway to make a long story short the Xticles were out joy riding, and well Shadow gave me the search tables to carry out to the new server, and there was this awful puddle and there was just mud everywhere. I tried to clean it but you know it was that really fine silt they had and you just can't get it out. Heavens knows we've tried. Anyway we have to take the board offline so we can run the search indexer to rebuild us some new tables.

So don't panic. Just you know make a holiday of it. Maybe put on your favorite record or meditate. Maybe make dinner. You know live it up. We'll be back in roughly an hour at the most.

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HBGames is a leading amateur video game development forum and Discord server open to all ability levels. Feel free to have a nosey around!


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