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GG Maker: The next bastard-child of family eb!


I say that in the most positive light imaginable. This actually looks pretty good.

"GG Maker, a brand spanking new program that will help you develop amazing games for either PC or mobile devices! With its "Graphically Assisted Scripting" approach to game making, it can accommodate both newbies and experienced game developers."

I'm not going to buy it until it is on a lean sale, much more lean than still a full priced game, 15% off is pretty good, but I know I can do better, as I am a patient man.

What about you?

Of Note; 3D support. Mobile Devices supported, what else did we ask for?

Oh yeah, easy platforming support.

Eat your heart out Degica, I'm doing your marketing for you.

Bizarre Monkey does not have any involvement in any of this engine's creation, he was just fast to find out about it, and saw this topic had not been made yet, and took to it with gusto, yes!
I was going to say that I thought I saw that on the Humble Bundle, but I think I was mistaken. There are a bunch of other tools there right now though... Game Guru... is that something different? Anyway, if you're looking for new game tools to try out, you probably couldn't do any better than Humble Bundle for cheaply and (legally) getting them.
This program ain't cheap, even on it's sale it's 60 dollars.

I've also spread a bit of misinformation, Degica is only it's distributor and made a trailer for it.
The name irritates me, but this interests me. However, it looks too good in the trailer; there's got to be some hefty disadvantage to this program. I don't know of a single path of game's development which doesn't has some hefty disadvantage (be it cost, accessibility, performance, etc) And this, at least from the trailer, doesn't seem to have the issues of cost or accessibility. So I'm thinking performance could be the issue with this program; all the maps/levels they've shown so far have been relatively tiny (especially the 3D ones).

I will have to disagree with you on the price;£60 is pretty cheap all things considered. I mean, Construct 2 is more expensive, and if the trailer is to be believed; also weaker than GGMaker. Of course there are some powerful free 3D engines out there now, but they're accessibility are low; they're not in the same area as this assisted games development.

However... GGMaker confuses me. There's a 'version' of this under a different name, known as 001 Game Creator. And they seem kinda inter-changeable; downloading the GGMaker trial just downloads a version of 001 Game Creator. Yet GGMaker has its own separate cost; 001 is a subscription program, with an option to buy a lifetime sub for $250, which compared to GG's price... And the only difference I can see between the two, is that apparently GGMaker will get updates slower.

001 seems like its been around for awhile (their site states 2001) but I can't seem to track any great notable games made with it, so I am wary of the program for now (especially since I bought a license for C2 not long ago)!
Game Guru is something different.

I have it (as a gift), though I can't figure out what to do with it. Especially since I can't make 3D models (even if I'm interested XD).

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