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Cait's Graphics



(^_^)/ Hello! I've begun to play around with graphics, it's something I've done every now and then. I am putting a screenshot to get your opinions. Thank you.

UPDATE: (#o.o#) Ooops! Messed on the tag, thank GODS no one posted yet.

EDIT: 8/12/2010 I got another idea for a tileset set which I think is awesome. It's like a ultima or even a certain game I can't remember which is on the edge of my tongue. But here it is, I'd have to work on ways of having interior walls, and I think the furniture would or might have to be edited. I haven't checked yet. But here's the screen shot for my latest work. I am going to release them as soon as I feel they are ready, which I don't feel that they are. If anyone see something that I should change, tell me (PLEASE!)




Okay, I've been working on my tile set, which lucky for me, I was able to use the furniture after all. But I really want people to test it to see if I need to add pieces and what not. The side pieces are used for the interior walls, as well. I wasn't sure how exactly to do the interior walls. (o.o) I'd like interior doors, to the left and the right, but that might not be possible with the angle and such. When I finish it, I am going to allow people to use them for both commercial, shareware and non-commercial games. Right now, just editing and trying to see what I need to do. (I hope I haven't broken any rules, I looked up the rules to see if I had to wait, or was this considered a major update. If it wasn't, I'm sorry.)




Hey, interesting concept! I could see this being useful to those who want a sense of realism or a new approach to indoor mapping (though this means a lot less room to work with).

The first map is nice, too. A few things stick out though:

1. A bit of the roof is missing here.
2. You can spot a line of orange pixels if you look closely.
3. I'm not quite sure what's going on here, but the two parallel grey structures look odd (why not just use one?)
4. Why does the edge of the roof look like that? For consistency, it should more resemble the patch of roof to the left.

Some parts doesn't quite match RTP style (though it's okay if it's meant to stand alone). Mainly the colors don't fit (cyan rectangles, dark brown shading of the porch railing). Also, the shadow under the little roof on the porch should be lower down, instead of just on the wall. Finally, the bricks leading to the house are nice, but there's one strange tile that isn't quite rectangular (which might be noticeable if you tile it more).



About that house. I think the add-on or front of it having those gray shingles doesn't match up with the red roofing tile for the rest of it. Also the front door has an outline that's way too thick needs to be 1 px or you should get rid of the extra darkness around it and it might seem way too detailed for RTP.

On the red roof. The right side of the roof is shaded, but the part that's facing up is not, seems impossible for lighting effects. I'd either get rid of the shade or shade that piece of slab

Be careful though. Some of this is not architectural. Like roofs don't usually run off onto balconies, they usually have overhangs so people can sit on them without getting wet.

Part of the bottom of the tree is missing, just small minor detail. Also roof has shading but tree only has shading on it's roots instead of the leaves and stuff.

Windows need to be defined more with a good reflection or maybe a cool view of the inside of the house! That's something you don't see very often.

Green plate at the bottom seems out of place and not very state of the art, maybe spice it up a bit

Good job on the edits, maybe you'll be able to go into full scale remakes.



1. Didn't look right to me, either so I changed it and still might make changes.
2. The porch I know I need to do some fixing to it, the railings were too high and the shadow; something seemed off. I had the feeling that the shadow was too low.
3. I was trying to keep with the look of the picture I used and that's how their roof was. Although I am open to see what other people think, cause it had me baffled to say the least.

4. I was trying to keep with the house and there is a bit of the house I didn't know what it looked like so I left it off. So the roof is like that, but I don't know.

@Star To be honest, I tried to create the roof pattern of the roof for the bay window, but unfortunately, I couldn't figure it out. It was a little beyond me, sigh, I am going to try again, and if I can figure out how to get it to look right: I want to replace it because it does just jump out of no where.

A better picture, but I am going to do some changes in the next few minutes: Will post another picture. The roof does need work, I have another roof, as I couldn't get the tiles to look right flat without looking ODD! But I am a perfectionist, so maybe I'll try again and post it here for people to give some advice. (o.o) My favorite part is playing with pixels, I just don't know why.
Current Update with some changes made, not the door, as it's too late to do anything.



I woke up and was messing around with the windows; to show life, and make them a tad bit more interesting. I thought that maybe I could just color the roof to the same color as the top roof. I mean, there are houses that have more than one type of roofing material. Just let me know if I should continue with this idea or try something else. Although I happen to love the look, even if I am not completely sure if it's authentic to the house type. C'est la vie!

Note: The two tilesets are not really related, I was in the middle of working on one, and got an idea for another one. I recolored the gray roofs to the same color as the red one. I put light in the windows, I could have put a scene into it, and I still might, as an choice for during the daytime windows. As for tiling, what you see is what you get the whole house comes together exactly like that. I am and did get an idea for another house with more freedom.

This is going to be a house you might have one of in your games, someone important, but I am in the middle of creating other houses to be free to change.

This tileset is going really well, as it is ultima inspired, because I always liked that kind of simple graphics that were more story based than necessarily graphic intense. I think graphics are important, but not as important the story; it should not replace the story.
I think I'm about finished, and when I am finished: I seriously need people to test out the ultima one, as there are situations I may not have considered. Actually, are there any takers who are willing to test it out? I will put up what I have now and get your opinions on it.



UPDATE: I've decided to do a little more work on the Victorian house, make it more customizable, and streamline it. As for the Ultima tileset, I've been thinking of adding sideways furniture to give more options than it has now. As for the Victorian, I'll let pictures speak for me as to what I've done to it. You can now have the side piece of the roof or not, it looks great either way.



I like the updates! Looking much more RTP-friendly than before. The other edits to the church house(?) are nice, as well.

Regarding the ultima tileset, how exactly would stairs work? You just transfer to a new map with an extra layer of height in the walls?



I've been working on that, I've been playing around with stuff, as I don't want it to take up too much room. But I have been thinking about that, the stairs are too big as they were, three spaces is a big much. I thought to make them "smaller", but I am debating about making them larger as well.

I was thinking of taking the stairs up a little bit, of course the teleport would have to occur before you reached the top of the stairs, where the middle is now, or else your head would go through the wall. If I took it up a little bit, it would be believable. I am thinking of trying some sidways stairs, too. Should make things even easier, you'd chose where you'd put the stairs. (o.o) Of course, I am open to any other ideas people have, like I've said been thinking and me and my over thinking ways hasn't come up with a firm answer. Yet.

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