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H4XX0R RPG is an attempt at a virtual Internet based game.
The goal
You play the role of h4x. Nothing is known about you, at first, not even your name. You enter a vast, open Internet full of endless wonders... in an attempt to find out who you are, and why you have landed on a page called h4xx0r.net.
It's asking you for a username and password, which you do not have.
Essentially you can do whatever you like on this Internet which contains parodies of many popular websites...
If your computer gets a virus, or you do something silly, you will land on a 404 page. This is your GAME OVER screen.
Adverts? What is safe to click?
It is safe to click absolutely anything contained within this game. Even adverts, spam emails, or things that might normally give you a virus.
Safe is of course meaning in real life terms... your game could go interesting places if you click some obscure advertisements or whatnot.
Websites online
Spoilered because you should really find out yourself.
H4XX0R, admin CP
Yahoo! Answers
Yahoo! Answers
Gmail (email system)
Gmail (email system)
This game is NSFW.
This game is 18+, NSFW, contains porn, contains bad things, contains parodies, contains references to 18+ shit, etc etc etc.
It is designed as a clone of the Internet, and you know what the Internet is like.
Dead links
Every link is traversable, however at the moment some will lead to dead-ends (click "back").
The aim is eventually to have every page linking to another page until you reach H4XX0R again, or a 404 page (game over).
At the moment the game is very small... 28 html pages making up it's construction.
It will grow daily as it's pretty simple to update.
The end?
Currently the username and password aren't found anywhere.
Eventually there will be clues lying around as to what they are, and then you can log into H4XX0R and end the game. But for now, just testins.
The demo
Tested in Firefox 3.x
Remember - 18+, nsfw.
Q. Why don't the websites look anything like what they are meant to portray?
A. Speed, ease of duplication, laziness, loading times, and the fact I want every link to go somewhere.
Q. Why is it so small? This isn't worth it.
A. Just testing the "system" at the moment. Will upload more sites daily if I can.
All websites contained within this directory are parodies. No threat to license or copyright ownership is intended. Websites are copyright their prospective owners. Site has no monetary/commercial value to the owner.