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Dead Content Catch The Rabbit[mini-game]

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This is basically a mini-game. You just need to cash a rabbit around threw diferent maps. They get harder and harder and there is about 6 maps i believe. Its fun to play for the first time and its very annoying :crazy:

So have fun. And you can add it to your games to but change it up you know like.... Catch the guy cause he has an item... Just an example :tongue2:

There really simple, you just have to use the arrow keys and you need to press space bar or enter near the rabbit to catch it.

Screen Shots

here is where to download

Leave comments please, and gimme respects if you take my idea into your other games... THANKS
2.) Minimum Posting Requirements for a Project Topic
When you start a project topic in this forum, it's under the assumption that you have a finished game, or are close to completing your game.  In your topic, you must have at least five screenshots, a detailed plot summary (but don't give away the ending!), character bios for the main protagonist and main antagonist at the very least (if your game doesn't have one or either, like games emulating Pong, you can substitute this with an explanation of the controls), and of course, a link to the game or demo.  Please specify if you have a game or demo in the title of your project.

Please read the rules. I see no screenshots in here. More explanation about the game would be nice, like the controls for instance.
I don't want to be unkind to a new member (like some people on here) but this topic isn't quite up to snuff yet, hun. Oh, and troll is an internet forum member who flames (posts/pm's angry coments or swearing/spam) people. I think, anyway...
So, do try to improve this topic a bit, also, you must have 30 minutes of completed gameplay to post. No rush, just sayin'. :)
it doesnt matter that he doesn't have enough screenshots because he doesn't even have a real game here. going by the description, this is nothing but a single map with an event that runs around fast and you have to catch it. that's not worth sharing as a game at all.

if i'm wrong, PM me. but i'm pretty sure that i'm not.
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