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What happened to the RPGMMV tag that was shown here? viewtopic.php?f=330&t=78799

Any plans to develop it further so custom games can be used? iframes have a sandboxing feature these days, so the security concerns are reduced when using <iframe src="link_to_mv_game" sandbox="allow-scripts"></iframe>.

And to prevent just any-old-site being shoved in, could make the iframe point to a local page here that just gives access to a <canvas> element and only load the resources from the given URL (don't use their index.html, use one hosted by hbgames.org). The index.html hosted here could have a "Click to start" thing that will only load up the game once the user actively clicks on the demo, prevents annoying sounds and videos suddenly starting.

Would make showing off demos and Plugins a million times more awesome (gives plenty of incentive to come to this website to see a live-demo).

I might do some tests with how to do it securely then. My idea at the moment is to host the RMMV JS files and call them directly, so that forces RMMV projects only, and from there remotely access the game's assets and Plugins. Would be incompatible with non-vanilla MV games (which I think is an okay trade-off) and would need to be kept up to date with MV's JS files (this could also break compatibility at a later date).

Maybe have an optional specify for the version of MV the project uses.

EDIT: Well that quickly came to an end. Cross Origin Resource Sharing needs to be enabled on the server hosting the MV game assets and scripts, so my idea won't work universally as hoped https://enable-cors.org/
Very annoying. It works wonderfully when CORS is enabled, but it's such a massive extra thing to ask of users to enable (as an example, the original MV web demo project won't work).

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